Flower Gardening

Why You Should Plant More Flowers

We've been loving the Bees and Bouquets collection! I put a lot of the plants in big pots and tubs on the patio and tucked some in the ground in other sunny spots. They have provided a steady parade of color and fragrance--in place and in salads as well as in bouquets--for more than two months now!
Kim S.
Home Gardener from Guilford

Flower Garden Tasks

Make a list of the plants you’d like to grow. Will you be growing in containers, mixed into a perennial border, or amongst your vegetables? Include information such as sun and spacing requirements, planting times, and when the plant will be flowering. This plan will help you know where to transplant your seedlings.

You don’t have to stick to the “taller in back” rule! Adding layers to a flower border increases interest as things bloom and fade. Think about putting a few tall, thin or wispy plants and flowers in the middle or front that you can see through. Dill or cosmos are a great choice. Do consider that many plants that look small in May will be HUGE come August so don’t ignore spacing recommendations. Also consider that some plants may need staking as they get tall. Don’t wait for the wind to break your precious amaranth or dahlias. Stake them before you plant so that you don’t harm the roots.

Gardens can be both beautiful and practical. Add flowers to your veggie patch and add veggies and herbs to your flower borders!  DO note which flowers are edible and which may be toxic and share your knowledge with your family.

Once flower plants are established, most of them are relatively drought resistant. Do water your seedlings after planting them about twice per week if the weather is dry and they’re in full sun.

Unless you’re trying to save seeds, take the spent flower heads off the plant with sharp scissors or pruners. Flowers are the plant’s way of reproducing, making seeds. If the plant is able to make seeds it is less likely to prioritize making more flowers. Deadheading is basically like telling a plant to keep flowering, please!

Don’t forget to pick bouquets for your loved ones and take pictures to share with us!

Bees & Bouquets Collections

Bees & Bouquets: Jewels & Gems


Back by popular demand: the O.G. B&B! With a huge range of annuals and tender perennials, your garden will flower from June through October. You’ll get 30+ flower starts of various bold colors and styles. 


Bees & Bouquets: Antique


Pastels, deep maroons and textures create classy borders and bouquets with a bit of a Victorian air.

You’ll get 30+ flower starts of various colors and styles–all in the rose, apricot, green and white palate. 


Bees & Bouquets: Pollinator Power


Our Meadow collection is a grouping of plants with more focus on the “bees” than the “bouquets.” We’ve chosen plants that will fill out a border with a wild-like feel. Welcome the bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, moths, and all manner of beneficial wildlife to your yard. You’ll likely find cleome, salvia, wild bergamot, lemon-mint bee balm, Tulsi basil, milkweed and zinnias in this mix.

You’ll get 40+ flower starts of various bold colors and styles. Some are perennials and some are self-seeding annuals to keep your meadow going in the many years to come!